Easy Dairy Live for Desktop and Mobile

Portable and paperless herd management

For over 17 years, Easy Dairy has been the Herd Management software of choice for more than 2,000 farmers. During this time, Easy Dairy has had steady development, resulting in the feature set that farmers know and love. As technology changes, so does Easy Dairy.

Today we are announcing the first step in the evolution of Easy Dairy.

Easy Dairy Live for Desktop and Mobile

Easy Dairy Live for Desktop, Mobile and Automation is our new platform for Herd Management. Easy Dairy Live for Desktop looks and feels like the Easy Dairy you are familiar with, but with a whole new structure running behind the scenes.

Easy Dairy Live for Mobile puts the power of Easy Dairy in the palm of your hand. From checking your calendar to entering events, Easy Dairy Live for Mobile will help you manage your herd and give you up to date information anywhere and at any time

How It Works

The Easy Dairy Live Hybrid Cloud

Internet and mobile service in Australia is unreliable. To overcome this, we have created a hybrid cloud system. A master copy of your data is stored on a cloud server and is updated whenever data is entered into any computer or device. Whenever any Easy Dairy application starts it checks for any changes in the master database and downloads them


Keep Working

If you don’t have access to the internet, you can still use Easy Dairy Live. All devices keep their own copy of your data allowing you to view data and enter events anywhere and at any time. When you reconnect to the internet the changes you have made will be synced to the Master database


Your Data Is Safe

No need to back up your Easy Dairy data anymore. As you make changes in Easy Dairy Live, the changes will be applied to the Master database and available to all your devices, ensuring that everyone has the latest version of the data all the time

  • Easy Dairy Live will sync the changes back to your Master database in the cloud
    After you have entered data, Easy Dairy Live will sync the changes back to your Master database in the cloud. You will still have a copy of the data on your PC

Service Roll Out

Our Easy Dairy Live platform will be rolled out in three phases

Phase 1 – Two Way Easy Dairy Live for Desktop Synchronisation

Our Easy Dairy Live platform will be rolled out in three phases. The first phase is already underway, allowing existing Easy Dairy customers to have their data converted and uploaded to the cloud for syncing to Easy Dairy Live for Desktop and Mobile. Easy Dairy Live for Mobile during this phase will be in Read Only mode and will not cost anything. This allows us to test the syncing of data between the hybrid cloud, PCs and Mobiles

Phase 2 – Easy Dairy Live for Mobile – Full Version

Phase 2 will mark the start of syncing data in both directions to Easy Dairy Live for Mobile. You will be able to enter data into your mobile and sync it with the hybrid cloud. Once synchronised with the Master database, any device or PC that you start Easy Dairy Live on will pull down the updates that have been made and apply them to the devices database

Phase 3 – Integration with Automation Software

Any customer with our Automation Software (Easy ID/Easy Draft) will be able to get onto Easy Dairy Live during this phase. Due to how critical Easy Dairy is to farms with Automation, we need to be sure that the Automation software is syncing correctly with our hybrid cloud and allowing your dairy operations to not be hampered

Download Easy Dairy Live for Mobile today

For more information about Easy Dairy Live for Desktop and Mobile, please get in touch with us by clicking below, or calling us on (03) 5821 9900